1 January 2024, Volume 49, Issue 1, pp. 1-177  
45 articles


Editors' Pick

Transversely graded polarization volume gratings fabricated by freeform holographic photoalignment

Opt. Lett. 49(1), 121-124 (2024)  View: HTML | PDF

Multi-beam, WDM-based photonic beamformer with spectrum reuse

Opt. Lett. 49(1), 53-56 (2024)  View: HTML | PDF

High-efficiency cladding-pumped Er/Yb co-doped alumino-phosphosilicate fiber for an extended L-band amplification

Opt. Lett. 49(1), 61-64 (2024)  View: HTML | PDF

Robust, in-service, and joint monitoring of a dual-polarization transceiver IQ skew for a coherent DSCM system without channel impairment compensation

Opt. Lett. 49(1), 129-132 (2024)  View: HTML | PDF

Analysis of high-contrast all-optical dual-wavelength switching in asymmetric dual-core fibers

Opt. Lett. 49(1), 149-152 (2024)  View: HTML | PDF

Imaging objects hidden inside the strongly scattering media based on bidirectional ghost imaging

Opt. Lett. 49(1), 13-16 (2024)  View: HTML | PDF  [Suppl. Mat. (1)]

Video snapshot compressive imaging using adaptive progressive coding for high-quality reconstruction under different illumination circumstances

Opt. Lett. 49(1), 85-88 (2024)  View: HTML | PDF  [Suppl. Mat. (5)]

Spatial frequency shift super-resolution imaging based on quasiperiodic grating and deep learning

Opt. Lett. 49(1), 105-108 (2024)  View: HTML | PDF  [Suppl. Mat. (1)]

Four-dimensional laser absorption cinematography of species and temperature dynamics at 2 kHz in reacting flows

Opt. Lett. 49(1), 141-144 (2024)  View: HTML | PDF

Integrated photonic molecule Brillouin laser with a high-power sub-100-mHz fundamental linewidth

Opt. Lett. 49(1), 45-48 (2024)  View: HTML | PDF  [Suppl. Mat. (1)]

Polarization-insensitive vortex beam generator by the holographic grating on an integrated multi-layer waveguide

Opt. Lett. 49(1), 97-100 (2024)  View: HTML | PDF

Spotlight on Optics

Development of an all-solid-state air-cooled high-power blue diode laser for metal processing

open access Opt. Lett. 49(1), 17-20 (2024)  View: HTML | PDF  [Suppl. Mat. (1)]

RF-controlled mode-locking and optoelectronic pulse compressing with distributed selectable wavelengths

Opt. Lett. 49(1), 37-40 (2024)  View: HTML | PDF

Sub-50 fs, 0.5 W average power Nd-doped fiber amplifier at 920 nm

Opt. Lett. 49(1), 57-60 (2024)  View: HTML | PDF

Feedback insensitivity in a self-chaotic microcavity laser

Opt. Lett. 49(1), 69-72 (2024)  View: HTML | PDF

High-speed k-linear swept laser using acousto-optic deflectors with Doppler shift compensation for optical coherence tomography

Opt. Lett. 49(1), 101-104 (2024)  View: HTML | PDF

Sub-diffraction optical beam lithography based on a center-non-zero depletion laser

Opt. Lett. 49(1), 109-112 (2024)  View: HTML | PDF  [Suppl. Mat. (2)]

Particle swarm optimization-assisted approach for the extraction of VCSEL model parameters

Opt. Lett. 49(1), 125-128 (2024)  View: HTML | PDF

All-polarization-maintaining Ho-doped fiber oscillator mode-locked with nonlinear polarization evolution

Opt. Lett. 49(1), 133-136 (2024)  View: HTML | PDF  [Suppl. Mat. (1)]

Sub-100-fs Kerr-lens mode-locked Yb:Lu2O3 laser with more than 60% optical efficiency

Opt. Lett. 49(1), 145-148 (2024)  View: HTML | PDF

Deep-learning assisted fast orbital angular momentum complex spectrum analysis

Opt. Lett. 49(1), 173-176 (2024)  View: HTML | PDF  [Suppl. Mat. (1)]

Flexible broadband metamaterial absorber in long-wave infrared with visible transparency fabricated by laser direct writing

Opt. Lett. 49(1), 89-92 (2024)  View: HTML | PDF

High-performance etchless lithium niobate layer electro-optic modulator enabled by quasi-BICs

Opt. Lett. 49(1), 113-116 (2024)  View: HTML | PDF  [Suppl. Mat. (1)]

Near-unity circular dichroism enabled by toroidal dipole empowered bound states in the continuum for electrical switching and sensing

Opt. Lett. 49(1), 165-168 (2024)  View: HTML | PDF

Easily scalable multi-color DMD-based structured illumination microscopy

Opt. Lett. 49(1), 77-80 (2024)  View: HTML | PDF  [Suppl. Mat. (1)]

Enhancing the spatial resolution of light-field displays without losing angular resolution by a computational subpixel realignment

Opt. Lett. 49(1), 1-4 (2024)  View: HTML | PDF  [Suppl. Mat. (1)]

Fan-in/fan-out for heterogeneous 19-core fibers based on metasurfaces with nonuniform phase plates

Opt. Lett. 49(1), 5-8 (2024)  View: HTML | PDF

Toward a 10 dB net-gain waveguide amplifier in an Er3+–Yb3+ co-doped phosphate glass

Opt. Lett. 49(1), 33-36 (2024)  View: HTML | PDF

Editors' Pick

Laser-written wave plates inside the silicon enabled by stress-induced birefringence

Opt. Lett. 49(1), 49-52 (2024)  View: HTML | PDF  [Suppl. Mat. (1)]

Sub-millimeter resolution and high-precision φ-OFDR using a complex-domain denoising method

Opt. Lett. 49(1), 29-32 (2024)  View: HTML | PDF

Microwave photonic I/Q mixer for wideband frequency downconversion with serial electro-optical modulations

Opt. Lett. 49(1), 65-68 (2024)  View: HTML | PDF

Collinear optical links based on a GaN-integrated chip for fiber-optic acoustic detection

Opt. Lett. 49(1), 169-172 (2024)  View: HTML | PDF  [Suppl. Mat. (3)]

Ultrahigh-Q and angle-robust chiroptical resonances beyond BIC splitting

Opt. Lett. 49(1), 153-156 (2024)  View: HTML | PDF  [Suppl. Mat. (1)]

Mode-order conversion in a Mach–Zehnder interferometer based on Chern insulators

Opt. Lett. 49(1), 9-12 (2024)  View: HTML | PDF  [Suppl. Mat. (1)]

High-efficiency integer multiplier for the orbital angular momentum of light

Opt. Lett. 49(1), 81-84 (2024)  View: HTML | PDF  [Suppl. Mat. (1)]

High-order exciton complexes induced by an interlayer carrier transfer in 2D van der Waals heterostructures

Opt. Lett. 49(1), 161-164 (2024)  View: HTML | PDF  [Suppl. Mat. (1)]

Aluminum-based plasmonic metasurface for computational spectrometry with full coverage of visible light

Opt. Lett. 49(1), 21-24 (2024)  View: HTML | PDF  [Suppl. Mat. (1)]

Broadband optical properties of Ti3C2 MXene revisited

Opt. Lett. 49(1), 25-28 (2024)  View: HTML | PDF  [Suppl. Mat. (1)]

Unified framework for terahertz radiation from a single- or two-color plasma filament

Opt. Lett. 49(1), 41-44 (2024)  View: HTML | PDF  [Suppl. Mat. (1)]

Single-shot observation of nonlinear pulse splitting in a Kerr medium

Opt. Lett. 49(1), 73-76 (2024)  View: HTML | PDF  [Suppl. Mat. (1)]

Few-cycle optical vortices for strong-field physics

Opt. Lett. 49(1), 93-96 (2024)  View: HTML | PDF  [Suppl. Mat. (1)]

Editors' Pick

Nonlinear post-compression of a hybrid vortex mode in a gas-filled capillary

Opt. Lett. 49(1), 117-120 (2024)  View: HTML | PDF

Photo-physical characteristics of color N3-center in diamond studied via UV femtosecond-laser pumped luminescence

Opt. Lett. 49(1), 137-140 (2024)  View: HTML | PDF

Anti-noise UWFBG-array enhanced DAS system using double-pulse-based time-domain adaptive delay interference: publisher’s note

open access Opt. Lett. 49(1), 177-177 (2024)  View: HTML | PDF