1 June 2024, Volume 15, Issue 6, pp. 3507-4023  
36 articles


Correlations of light scattering properties in human skin with the person’s age assessed using a non-invasive technique

Biomed. Opt. Express 15(6), 3817-3830 (2024)  View: HTML | PDF

Correlation of diabetic renal hypoperfusion with microvascular responses of the skeletal muscle: a rat model study using diffuse correlation spectroscopy

Biomed. Opt. Express 15(6), 3900-3913 (2024)  View: HTML | PDF

Retinal image quality for multifocal lenses with on- and off-axis annular zones

Biomed. Opt. Express 15(6), 3670-3680 (2024)  View: HTML | PDF

Computationally-efficient linear scheme for overlap time-gating spatial frequency domain diffuse optical tomography using an analytical diffusion model

Biomed. Opt. Express 15(6), 3654-3669 (2024)  View: HTML | PDF

Multi-branch attention Raman network and surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy for the classification of neurological disorders

Biomed. Opt. Express 15(6), 3523-3540 (2024)  View: HTML | PDF  [Suppl. Mat. (1)]

Repairing the in situ hybridization missing data in the hippocampus region by using a 3D residual U-Net model

Biomed. Opt. Express 15(6), 3541-3554 (2024)  View: HTML | PDF  [Suppl. Mat. (1)]

Attention LSTM U-Net model for Drosophila melanogaster heart tube segmentation in optical coherence microscopy images

Biomed. Opt. Express 15(6), 3639-3653 (2024)  View: HTML | PDF  [Suppl. Mat. (5)]

Hybrid deep learning and optimal graph search method for optical coherence tomography layer segmentation in diseases affecting the optic nerve

Biomed. Opt. Express 15(6), 3681-3698 (2024)  View: HTML | PDF

Cross-modal attention network for retinal disease classification based on multi-modal images

Biomed. Opt. Express 15(6), 3699-3714 (2024)  View: HTML | PDF

Editors' Pick

Digital histological staining of tissue slide images from optical coherence microscopy

Biomed. Opt. Express 15(6), 3807-3816 (2024)  View: HTML | PDF

Differential artery-vein analysis improves the OCTA classification of diabetic retinopathy

Biomed. Opt. Express 15(6), 3889-3899 (2024)  View: HTML | PDF

Entropy and distance-guided super self-ensembling for optic disc and cup segmentation

Biomed. Opt. Express 15(6), 3975-3992 (2024)  View: HTML | PDF

Measurement of third order coherence by in situ autocorrelation for determining three-photon cross-sections

Biomed. Opt. Express 15(6), 3555-3562 (2024)  View: HTML | PDF  [Suppl. Mat. (1)]

hydroSIM: super-resolution speckle illumination microscopy with a hydrogel diffuser

Biomed. Opt. Express 15(6), 3574-3585 (2024)  View: HTML | PDF  [Suppl. Mat. (3)]

Speckle-enabled in vivo demixing of neural activity in the mouse brain

Biomed. Opt. Express 15(6), 3586-3608 (2024)  View: HTML | PDF  [Suppl. Mat. (2)]

Editors' Pick

Triggered cagedSTORM microscopy

Biomed. Opt. Express 15(6), 3715-3726 (2024)  View: HTML | PDF  [Suppl. Mat. (1)]

Quantitative phase image stitching guided by reconstructed intensity images in one-shot double field of view multiplexed digital holographic microscopy

Biomed. Opt. Express 15(6), 3727-3742 (2024)  View: HTML | PDF  [Suppl. Mat. (1)]

Efficient high-resolution fluorescence projection imaging over an extended depth of field through optical hardware and deep learning optimizations

Biomed. Opt. Express 15(6), 3831-3847 (2024)  View: HTML | PDF  [Suppl. Mat. (2)]

Fluorescence saturation imaging microscopy: molecular fingerprinting with a standard confocal microscope

Biomed. Opt. Express 15(6), 3755-3769 (2024)  View: HTML | PDF  [Suppl. Mat. (1)]

Fiber optic-based integrated system for in vivo multiscale pharmacokinetic monitoring

Biomed. Opt. Express 15(6), 3770-3782 (2024)  View: HTML | PDF

DHM/SERS reveals cellular morphology and molecular changes during iPSCs-derived activation of astrocytes

Biomed. Opt. Express 15(6), 4010-4023 (2024)  View: HTML | PDF

Wave type fiber SPR sensor for rapid and highly sensitive detection of hyperoside

Biomed. Opt. Express 15(6), 3859-3868 (2024)  View: HTML | PDF

In situ stress estimation in quantitative micro-elastography

Biomed. Opt. Express 15(6), 3609-3626 (2024)  View: HTML | PDF

Editors' Pick

Aging of deep venous thrombosis in-vivo using polarization sensitive optical coherence tomography

Biomed. Opt. Express 15(6), 3627-3638 (2024)  View: HTML | PDF

Cellular structural and functional imaging of donor and pathological corneas with label-free dual-mode full-field optical coherence tomography

Biomed. Opt. Express 15(6), 3869-3888 (2024)  View: HTML | PDF

Large area robotically assisted optical coherence tomography (LARA-OCT)

Biomed. Opt. Express 15(6), 3993-4009 (2024)  View: HTML | PDF | Compressed PDF  [Suppl. Mat. (2)]

Time and power dependence of laser-induced photodamage on human sperm revealed by longitudinal rolling measurement using optical tweezers

Biomed. Opt. Express 15(6), 3563-3573 (2024)  View: HTML | PDF  [Suppl. Mat. (4)]

In vitro investigation of the mechanics of fixed red blood cells based on optical trap micromanipulation and image analysis

Biomed. Opt. Express 15(6), 3783-3794 (2024)  View: HTML | PDF

Picosecond laser capture microdissection based on edge catapulting combined with dielectrophoretic force

Biomed. Opt. Express 15(6), 3950-3961 (2024)  View: HTML | PDF

Laser axial scanning microdissection for high-efficiency dissection from uneven biological samples

Biomed. Opt. Express 15(6), 3795-3806 (2024)  View: HTML | PDF

In vivo quantitative characterization of nano adjuvant transport in the tracheal layer by photoacoustic imaging

Biomed. Opt. Express 15(6), 3962-3974 (2024)  View: HTML | PDF  [Suppl. Mat. (1)]

Dual excitation spectral autofluorescence lifetime and reflectance imaging for fast macroscopic characterization of tissues

Biomed. Opt. Express 15(6), 3507-3522 (2024)  View: HTML | PDF  [Suppl. Mat. (1)]

High-sensitivity THz-ATR imaging of cerebral ischemia in a rat model

Biomed. Opt. Express 15(6), 3743-3754 (2024)  View: HTML | PDF

Contrast sensitivity is resilient to induced fast periodic defocus oscillations

Biomed. Opt. Express 15(6), 3848-3858 (2024)  View: HTML | PDF  [Suppl. Mat. (1)]

Enhancing endoscopic scene reconstruction with color-aware inverse rendering through neural SDF and radiance fields

Biomed. Opt. Express 15(6), 3914-3931 (2024)  View: HTML | PDF  [Suppl. Mat. (1)]

Fabrication and performance evaluation of a design for an extended depth-of-focus intraocular lens based on an improved sinusoidal profile

Biomed. Opt. Express 15(6), 3932-3949 (2024)  View: HTML | PDF